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10 benefits of hiring a freelance copywriter for Business

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10 benefits of hiring a freelance copywriter for Business 10 benefits of hiring a freelance copywriter for Business 10 benefits of hiring a freelance copywriter for Business

10 benefits of hiring a freelance copywriter for Business

Hey there, savvy business owners and brand builders! Do you write your own website content and social media marketing materials? Then there is a good chance you may not be doing it perfectly. Unless you are an experienced copywriter like myself who also runs their own business. In that case, hiring a freelance copywriter can save time and energy, and provide several benefits for your business.

As a professional copywriter with years of experience, I’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible impact that top-notch copy can have on a brand’s success. Let me tell you, hiring a freelance copywriter is a brilliant move. Why?

Because you’ll have a creative wordsmith on your side. Whether you need compelling website content or persuasive ad copy, a skilled copywriter can help you connect with your target market, build trust, and ultimately drive conversions. 

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg – there are so many more benefits to explore! In this blog, I will outline 10 of the many benefits you can experience by hiring a freelance copywriter for your business.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Freelance Copywriter

Ever feel like your marketing campaigns are falling flat? Like your website copy isn’t engaging enough to capture the attention of your target audience.

Picture this, you, a savvy brand owner, seeking to captivate your audience, boost conversions, and stand out in a sea of competitors. One key step you can take to achieve these goals is to hire a professional copywriter.

As a brand, you’ve got a great product or service, but are your words selling it as well as they could be? Probably not. That’s where a professional copywriter comes in.

Copywriters play a critical role for brands and businesses. They aren’t just writers, they are skilled storytellers and persuasive communicators who know how to capture attention and compel action. Copywriters have the power to transform your brand message, marketing materials, and website from ordinary to extraordinary.

Among the many benefits of hiring a professional freelance copywriter, here are 10 key benefits to expect:

Professional Expertise at Your Fingertips

Let’s face it, you are a business owner, not a content creator. You have to focus on running your business, managing operations, and handling other aspects. So, you can’t afford to dedicate a significant amount of time and energy to crafting compelling copy.

Hiring a freelance copywriter allows you to tap into their professional expertise and experience. This is what they do day in and day out – crafting words that sell. By hiring a copywriter, you can rest assured that you have someone to create high-quality, persuasive content that effectively communicates your brand message.

Specialized Industry Expertise

Copywriter with industry-specific knowledge and expertise can be an invaluable asset for your business. They understand the ins and outs of your industry, the specific terminology, and the unique challenges and opportunities that your business faces. They also understand how customers think and what resonates with them in your industry.

Using their specialized industry knowledge, they can identify your business USP, design funnel and content marketing strategy, and create content that speaks directly to your audience.

Therefore, consider hiring a copywriter who not only has excellent writing skills but also a deep understanding of your industry.

Time Savings

A dedicated freelance copywriter can save you valuable time. You don’t have to spend hours brainstorming ideas, researching, and writing content yourself. Instead, you can delegate this task to a skilled copywriter who will take care of it for you. This allows you to focus on other important aspects of your business and ensure that your marketing efforts are consistent and effective.

Cost Effective

Some people argue that hiring a professional copywriter is an unnecessary expense. And they end up regretting it when their DIY copy fails to generate the desired results. Let me tell you, hiring a professional copywriter is an effective investment in the long run. It will help you create outstanding marketing campaigns that yield higher returns on investment.

If you are a startup and don’t have the resources to hire a full-time copywriter, outsourcing to a freelance copywriter can be a cost-effective solution.

Fresh, Unbiased Perspective

No matter how objective you try to be, it’s easy to develop blind spots about your own business. Seeking an outside perspective by hiring a copywriter allows you to gain fresh insights and ideas that can breathe new life into your content.

Moreover, professional copywriters have a knack for seeing things from the customer’s perspective. They can identify pain points, and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Consider hiring a professional copywriter who can bring a fresh, unbiased perspective to your marketing strategies, save you valuable time, and provide specialized industry knowledge.


In today’s digital age, compelling copy is essential for everything from websites and email funnels to social media captions. In addition, your business should have a consistent brand personality across all marketing channels.

Freelance copywriters are often multi-talented, adept in SEO, social media, email marketing, and more. They can adapt their writing style to suit different platforms and even audience demographics. Hiring one is like adding a whole new arsenal of skills to your team without the overhead.

Marketing Strategy Input

Having a professional copywriter on your team can also benefit your overall marketing strategy. Copywriters can provide strategic input on the most effective messaging angles, channels, formats, and funnels to use to maximize your ROI based on your business goals and target audience.

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits them and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker

Since understanding customer behavior is a part of copywriting, a professional copywriter can provide valuable insights into your target audience and help tailor your marketing efforts.

Focus on Strategy vs. Execution

When it comes to your marketing efforts, it’s important to strike a balance between strategy and execution. As a busy entrepreneur, your time is best spent driving the high-level marketing strategy and vision. Leave the hands-on heavy lifting of executing that vision to a professional copywriter. They will take care of the content creation and implementation, allowing you to focus on big-picture planning and making strategic decisions.


As your business grows or enters a busy period, your content needs will likely increase. Your copywriting needs will naturally ebb and flow over time. Hiring a freelance copywriter allows you to scale your content production based on demand. You can easily increase or decrease the amount of work assigned to a copywriter based on your current needs. By hiring a freelance copywriter, you can ensure that your content creation process remains flexible and adaptable to the changing needs of your business.

Improved ROI

Finally, hiring a professional copywriter can significantly improve your return on investment. You know that effective copy is crucial for driving conversions and sales, but effective copy alone can’t guarantee success.

You need to track and measure the performance of the copy to determine its impact. Investing in a freelance copywriter can significantly impact your bottom line. You can see an increase in brand awareness, engagements, conversion rate, and ultimately, revenue. It is proven that the return on investment in professional copywriting services is worth it.

Comparing In-House vs. Freelance Copywriters: Which Is Right for You?

In-House vs. Freelance Copywriters

As a business owner, you have an important decision to make when it comes to your copywriting needs – should you hire an in-house writer or opt for a freelance copywriter? Both paths have pros and cons, and the right choice comes down to your unique requirements and circumstances.

If you go the in-house route, you’ll have someone fully embedded in your company who understands your brand inside and out. They’ll be able to quickly churn out copy and can take on any last-minute writing tasks. However, you also take on the costs of a full-time salary, benefits, training, office space, and equipment. Not to mention the hassle of hiring and onboarding.

On the other hand, working with a freelance copywriter like myself gives you elite writing skills and experience without the ongoing overhead. You can hire a freelance copywriter on a project-by-project basis, allowing you to control your costs and allocate resources as needed. No office space, equipment, or benefits are required – just easy scalability and top-notch writing prowess.

So, the choice between hiring an in-house writer or a freelance copywriter ultimately depends on the specific needs and circumstances of your business. Consider your budget, workload, and long-term goals before making a decision.

Top Qualities to Look for When Hiring a Freelance Copywriter

When you’re on the hunt for a freelance copywriter, you can’t just hire the first one you come across. There are several key qualities that can make all the difference in finding the perfect fit. Here are some qualities to look for when hiring a freelance copywriter:

  1. Exceptional Writing Skills: Your ideal copywriter should possess a mastery of language, grammar, and style, capable of crafting compelling and error-free content that resonates with your audience.
  2. Creativity and Originality: Seek out a copywriter with a knack for thinking outside the box, offering fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to breathe life into your brand’s messaging.
  3. Adaptability and Versatility: A versatile copywriter can tackle a range of content types and tones, from punchy ad copy to informative blog posts, adapting seamlessly to your brand’s needs and audience preferences.
  4. Understanding of Brand Voice: Look for a copywriter who can capture and embody your brand’s unique voice, tone, and personality, ensuring consistency across all communication channels.
  5. Research Skills: The ability to conduct thorough research is crucial for producing accurate, credible, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience and addresses their needs.
  6. SEO Knowledge: A copywriter well-versed in SEO principles can optimize your content for search engines, improving its visibility and driving organic traffic to your website.
  7. Deadline Orientation: Reliability and punctuality are paramount in a freelance copywriter, ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget, without compromising quality.
  8. Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication is essential for successful collaboration. Look for a copywriter who is responsive, open to feedback, and proactive in seeking clarification when needed.
  9. Portfolio and Track Record: Reviewing a copywriter’s portfolio and client testimonials can provide valuable insights into their past work, quality standards, and ability to deliver results.


At the end of the day, the success of your business hinges on your ability to connect with your audience through compelling messaging and irresistible copy. That’s why hiring the right freelance copywriter is so crucial.

An outstanding freelance copywriter isn’t just a word mercenary – they become an invaluable creative partner dedicated to helping you communicate your vision in a way that resonates. Someone who takes the time to deeply understand your unique value proposition and tailors their writing to amplify your key messages.

So don’t just settle for the first writer you come across. Do your due diligence by reviewing portfolios, samples, and testimonials. Have a face-to-face discussion (even if virtual) to gauge if there’s a natural chemistry and meeting of the minds. Once you do find that perfect copywriting match, it can unlock an entirely new level of messaging that elevates your brand, connects with customers, and ultimately drives revenue.

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