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A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Metrics and KPIs

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A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Metrics and KPIs A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Metrics and KPIs A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Metrics and KPIs

A Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Metrics and KPIs

Welcome to the ultimate guide on Facebook Metrics! This guide has been created to provide clear understanding of what businesses can achieve by investing in social media marketing.

Optimizing your Facebook campaigns for better results requires tracking and measuring the right metrics and KPIs. If you don’t know which metrics and KPIs to focus on, you’re essentially flying blind.

By using the right metrics and KPIs, businesses can make data-driven decisions to improve their Facebook campaigns and achieve better results.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down every essential Facebook metric you need to know. This will help you harness the full potential of Facebook for your business.

Don’t know how to measure your social media ROI? Check out this step-by-step guide to learn how to do it perfectly. Looking to improve your return on investment from social media efforts? Get some proven tips and strategies to boost your social media ROI.


This metric evaluates how well your Facebook ads are performing in terms of achieving your marketing objectives.


Results indicate the number of desired actions taken by users in response to your Facebook ads, such as clicks, conversions, or app installs.

Result Rate

Result Rate measures the percentage of users who take the desired action after seeing your ad, providing insights into ad effectiveness.


Reach represents the total number of unique users who have seen your Facebook ad at least once during a specific time period.


Frequency measures the average number of times each user has been exposed to your Facebook ad during a campaign.


Impressions refer to the total number of times your Facebook ad has been displayed on users’ screens.


Delivery indicates how well your ads are being delivered to your target audience based on your ad settings and budget.

Amount Spent

Amount Spent represents the total expenditure on your Facebook ad campaign during a specific period.

Clicks (all):

Clicks measure the total number of clicks on your Facebook ad, including link clicks, likes, shares, and comments.

CPC (all)

CPC (Cost Per Click) calculates the average cost you pay for each click on your Facebook ad.

CTR (all)

CTR (Click-Through Rate) measures the percentage of users who click on your ad after seeing it, indicating ad relevance and engagement.

Gross Impressions

Gross Impressions include both valid and invalid impressions from non-human traffic, providing a more accurate view of ad exposure.

Auto-Refresh Impressions

Auto-Refresh Impressions indicate the number of times your ad has been displayed due to page auto-refreshes.

Quality Ranking

Quality Ranking assesses the perceived quality of your ad compared to other ads targeting the same audience.

Engagement Rate Ranking

Engagement Rate Ranking evaluates the level of interaction and engagement your ad receives compared to other ads.

Conversion Rate Ranking

Conversion Rate Ranking measures the effectiveness of your ad in driving desired actions compared to other ads.

Cost Per Result

Cost Per Result calculates the average cost you pay for each desired action generated by your Facebook ad.

Cost Per 1,000 Accounts Centre Accounts Reached

Cost Per 1,000 Accounts Centre Accounts Reached represents the cost of reaching 1,000 unique Accounts Centre accounts with your Facebook ad.

CPM (Cost Per 1,000 Impressions)

CPM calculates the average cost you pay for 1,000 impressions of your Facebook ad.

Engagement Metrics


Engagement refers to any interaction users have with your Facebook content, including likes, comments, shares, and clicks.

Page Engagement

Page Engagement measures interactions users have with your Facebook Page, such as likes, comments, and shares on your posts.

Follows or Likes

Follows or Likes represent the number of users who have followed or liked your Facebook Page.

Join Group Requests

Join Group Requests indicate the number of users who have requested to join your Facebook Group.

Post Comments

Post Comments count the number of comments on your Facebook posts.

Post Engagements

Post Engagements encompass all interactions with your Facebook posts, including likes, comments, shares, and clicks.

Post Reactions

Post Reactions count the number of reactions (e.g., likes, loves, wows, etc.) on your Facebook posts.

Post Saves

Post Saves indicate the number of times users have saved your Facebook posts for later reference.

Post Shares

Post Shares represent the number of times users have shared your Facebook posts with their own networks.

Photo Views

Photo Views measure the number of views your photos have received on Facebook.

Event Responses

Event Responses count the number of users who have responded to your Facebook event (e.g., RSVPed).


Check-ins indicate the number of times users have checked in at your physical location on Facebook.

Effect Share

Effect Share refers to the number of times users have shared your Facebook camera effects or frames.

Cost per Page Engagement

Cost per Page Engagement calculates the average cost you pay for each engagement on your Facebook Page.

Cost per Follow or Like

Cost per Follow or Like calculates the average cost you pay for each new follower or Page like on Facebook.

Cost per Join Group Request

Cost per Join Group Request calculates the average cost you pay for each user request to join your Facebook Group.

Cost per Post Engagement

Cost per Post Engagement calculates the average cost you pay for each engagement on your Facebook posts.

Cost per Event Response

Cost per Event Response calculates the average cost you pay for each user response to your Facebook event.

Messenger Calls Placed

Messenger Calls Placed represent the number of calls initiated through Facebook Messenger.

60-second Messenger Calls

60-second Messenger Calls count the number of calls lasting at least 60 seconds on Facebook Messenger.

New Messaging Contacts

New Messaging Contacts indicate the number of new contacts initiated on Facebook Messenger.

Messaging Conversations Started

Messaging Conversations Started count the number of new conversations initiated on Facebook Messenger.

Unique Total Messaging Contacts

Unique Total Messaging Contacts represent the total number of unique contacts engaged with on Facebook Messenger.

Returning Messaging Contacts

Returning Messaging Contacts count the number of contacts who have engaged with you on Facebook Messenger multiple times.

Blocked Messaging Contacts

Blocked Messaging Contacts represent the number of contacts who have been blocked from messaging you on Facebook Messenger.

Cost per New Messaging Contacts

Cost per New Messaging Contacts calculates the average cost you pay for each new contact initiated on Facebook Messenger.

Cost per Unique Total Messaging Contacts

Cost per Unique Total Messaging Contacts calculates the average cost you pay for each unique contact engaged with on Facebook Messenger.

Cost per Returning Messaging Contacts

Cost per Returning Messaging Contacts calculates the average cost you pay for engaging with returning contacts on Facebook Messenger.

Cost per Messaging Conversations Started

Cost per Messaging Conversations Started calculates the average cost you pay for initiating new conversations on Facebook Messenger.

Video Views Metrics

Unique 2-second Continuous Video Plays

Unique 2-second Continuous Video Plays count the number of unique viewers who have played your Facebook videos for at least 2 seconds without interruption.

2-second Continuous Video Plays

2-second Continuous Video Plays represent the total number of times your Facebook videos have been played for at least 2 seconds without interruption.

3-second Video Plays

3-second Video Plays count the number of times your Facebook videos have been played for at least 3 seconds.

Video Plays at 25%

The number of times the video has been played to at least 25% of its total duration.

Video Plays at 50%

The number of times the video has been played to at least 50% of its total duration.

Video Plays at 75%

The number of times the video has been played to at least 75% of its total duration.

Video Plays at 95%

The number of times the video has been played to at least 95% of its total duration.

Video Plays at 100%

The number of times the video has been played to its full duration.

Video Average Play Time

The average duration for which the video is played across all views.

Video Plays

The total number of times the video has been played, regardless of how much of it was watched.

Instant Experience View Time

The total time users spend interacting with an instant experience (usually an immersive full-screen experience) related to the video ad.

Instant Experience View Percentage

The percentage of users who engage with the instant experience out of the total number of people who saw the ad.

Instant Experience Impressions

The number of times the instant experience (interactive component of the ad) was shown to users.

Instant Experience Reach

The total number of unique users who saw the instant experience portion of the ad.

Cost per 2-second Continuous Video Play

The cost incurred per instance where the video played continuously for at least 2 seconds.

Cost per 3-second Video Play

The cost incurred per instance where the video played continuously for at least 3 seconds.

Cost per ThruPlay

The cost incurred per instance where the video was played to completion or for at least 15 seconds, whichever comes first, depending on the platform’s definition of ThruPlay.

Link Click Metrics

Unique Link Clicks

The number of individual users who clicked on the provided link.

Outbound Clicks

The total number of clicks on links that lead users away from the platform (e.g., clicking on a link in a Facebook ad that leads to an external website).

Unique Outbound Clicks

The number of individual users who clicked on outbound links.

CTR (Link Click-Through Rate)

The percentage of users who clicked on the link out of the total number of users who saw the ad.

Unique CTR (Link Click-Through Rate)

The percentage of unique users who clicked on the link out of the total number of unique users who saw the ad.

Outbound CTR (Click-Through Rate)

The percentage of users who clicked on outbound links out of the total number of users who saw the ad.

Unique Outbound CTR (Click-Through Rate)

The percentage of unique users who clicked on outbound links out of the total number of unique users who saw the ad.

Unique Clicks (All)

The number of individual users who clicked on any part of the ad (including links, buttons, etc.).

Unique CTR (All)

The percentage of unique users who clicked on any part of the ad out of the total number of unique users who saw the ad.

Instant Experience Clicks to Open

The number of clicks to open an Instant Experience (full-screen interactive ad experience).

Instant Experience Clicks to Start

The number of clicks to start an Instant Experience.

Instant Experience Outbound Clicks

The number of clicks on outbound links within an Instant Experience.

Instagram Profile Visits

The number of times users visited the Instagram profile associated with the ad.

CPC (Cost Per Link Click)

The average cost incurred per individual link click.

Cost Per Unique Link Click

The average cost incurred per unique link click.

Cost Per Outbound Click

The average cost incurred per outbound click.

Cost Per Unique Outbound Click

The average cost incurred per unique outbound click.

Cost Per Unique Click (All)

The average cost incurred per unique click on any part of the ad.

Estimated Ad Recall Lift (People)

The estimated increase in ad recall among users who were exposed to the ad.

Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate

The percentage increase in ad recall among users who were exposed to the ad.

Cost Per Estimated Ad Recall Lift (People)

The average cost incurred per estimated increase in ad recall among users.

E-commerce Metrics

Adds to Wishlist

The total number of times users add products to their wishlist indicates interest in those items.

Cost Per Add to Wishlist

The average cost incurred per instance where a product is added to the wishlist.

Adds to Wishlist Conversion Value

The total value generated from conversions (such as purchases) that resulted from users adding products to their wishlist.

Unique Adds to Wishlist

The number of unique users who added products to their wishlist.

Cost Per Unique Add to Wishlist

The average cost incurred per unique instance where a product is added to the wishlist.

Adds to Cart

The total number of times users add products to their shopping cart indicates an intent to purchase.

Cost Per Add to Cart

The average cost incurred per instance where a product is added to the shopping cart.

Adds to Cart Conversion Value

The total value generated from conversions (such as purchases) that resulted from users adding products to their shopping cart.

Unique Adds to Cart

The number of unique users who added products to their shopping cart.

Cost Per Unique Add to Cart

The average cost incurred per unique instance where a product is added to the shopping cart.

Checkouts Initiated

The total number of times users begin the checkout process by initiating the checkout sequence, typically by proceeding to the checkout page.

Cost Per Checkout Initiated

The average cost incurred per instance where a user initiates the checkout process. This metric helps measure the efficiency of marketing efforts in driving users toward making a purchase.

Checkouts Initiated Conversion Value

The total value generated from conversions (such as completed purchases) that resulted from users initiating the checkout process.

Unique Checkouts Initiated

The number of unique users who initiated the checkout process at least once. This metric provides insight into the number of individuals interested in completing a purchase.

Cost Per Unique Checkout Initiated

The average cost incurred per unique instance where a user initiates the checkout process. It calculates the cost of acquiring each potential customer who shows intent to purchase.

Content Views Metrics

Content Views

The total number of times users view content, such as articles, videos, or other media.

Cost Per Content View

The average cost incurred per instance where a user views content. This metric helps evaluate the efficiency of content distribution or promotion efforts.

Content Views Conversion Value

The total value generated from conversions (such as purchases or sign-ups) that resulted from users viewing content.

Unique Content Views

The number of unique users who viewed content. This metric provides insight into the reach of the content among distinct individuals.

Cost Per Unique Content View

The average cost incurred per unique instance where a user views content. It calculates the cost of acquiring each unique viewer.

Lead Generation Metrics


The total number of leads generated, typically through form submissions, inquiries, or sign-ups.

Cost Per Lead

The average cost incurred per lead generated. This metric helps evaluate the efficiency of lead generation efforts.

Leads Conversion Value

The total value generated from conversions (such as purchases) that resulted from leads generated.

Phone Number Clicks

The total number of clicks on phone number links, indicating user interest in contacting the business directly via phone.

Applications Submitted

The total number of applications submitted by users, such as job applications, program enrollments, or membership registrations.

Cost Per Application Submitted

The average cost incurred per instance where a user submits an application. This metric helps evaluate the efficiency of marketing or advertising efforts in driving application submissions.

Submit Application Conversion Value

The total value generated from conversions (such as fees paid or revenue generated) that resulted from submitted applications.

Appointments Scheduled

The total number of appointments scheduled by users, such as consultation appointments, service bookings, or sales meetings.

Cost Per Appointment Scheduled

The average cost incurred per instance where a user schedules an appointment. This metric helps assess the effectiveness of marketing or advertising campaigns in driving appointment bookings.

Appointments Scheduled Conversion Value

The total value generated from conversions (such as revenue generated from booked appointments) resulting from scheduled appointments.

Landing Page Metrics

Landing Page Views

The total number of times users view a specific landing page.

Cost Per Landing Page View

The average cost incurred per instance where a user views a landing page. This metric helps evaluate the efficiency of driving traffic to landing pages.

Unique Landing Page Views

The number of unique users who viewed a specific landing page. This metric provides insight into the reach of the landing page among distinct individuals.

Cost Per Unique Landing Page View

The average cost incurred per unique instance where a user views a landing page. It calculates the cost of acquiring each unique viewer for the landing page.

Game Plays

The total number of times a game is played by users.

Cost Per Game Play

The average cost incurred per instance of a user playing the game. This metric helps evaluate the efficiency of marketing or advertising efforts in driving gameplay.

Get Directions Clicks

The total number of clicks on “Get Directions” buttons or links, indicates user interest in obtaining directions to a specific location.

In-App Ad Clicks

The total number of clicks on advertisements displayed within the app.

Cost Per In-App Ad Click

The average cost incurred per instance of a user clicking on an in-app advertisement. This metric helps assess the efficiency of advertising campaigns within the app.

In-App Ad Impressions

The total number of times in-app advertisements are displayed to users.

Cost Per 1,000 In-App Ad Impressions (CPM)

The cost incurred per 1,000 impressions of in-app advertisements. This metric helps advertisers understand the cost-effectiveness of reaching a thousand users through in-app advertising.

Some other metrics to help you measure ROI on Facebook investment.

  • App activations
  • Cost per app activation
  • App activations conversion value
  • Unique app activations
  • Cost per unique app activation
  • App Installs
  • Cost per App Install

  • Purchases
  • Cost per purchase
  • Purchases conversion value
  • Unique purchases
  • Cost per unique purchase
  • Ratings submitted
  • Cost per rating submitted
  • Ratings submitted conversion value
  • Unique ratings submitted
  • Cost per unique rating submitted
  • Registrations completed
  • Cost per registration completed
  • Registrations completed conversion value
  • Unique registrations completed
  • Cost per unique registration completed
  • Searches
  • Cost per search
  • Searches Conversion Value
  • Unique searches
  • Cost per unique search
  • Subscriptions
  • Cost per subscription
  • Subscribe conversion value
  • Trials started
  • Cost per trial started
  • Trials started conversion value
  • Tutorials completed
  • Cost per tutorial completed
  • Tutorials completed conversion value
  • Unique tutorials completed
  • Cost per unique tutorial completed
  • Mobile app achievements unlocked
  • Mobile app achievements unlocked conversion value
  • Unique mobile app achievements unlocked
  • Mobile app payment info adds
  • Website payment info adds
  • Offline adds of payment info
  • Mobile app payment info adds conversion value
  • Website payment info adds conversion value
  • Offline payment info adds conversion value
  • Unique mobile app payment info adds
  • Mobile app adds to cart
  • Website adds to cart
  • Offline adds to cart
  • Meta add to cart
  • Mobile app adds to cart conversion value
  • Website adds to cart conversion value
  • Offline adds to cart conversion value
  • Unique mobile app adds to cart
  • Mobile app adds to wishlist
  • Website adds to wishlist
  • Offline adds to wishlist
  • Meta adds to wishlist
  • Mobile app adds to wishlist conversion value
  • Website adds to wishlist conversion value
  • Offline adds to wishlist conversion value
  • Meta adds to wishlist conversion value
  • Unique mobile app adds to wishlist
  • Mobile app sessions
  • Mobile app sessions conversion value
  • Unique mobile app sessions
  • Mobile app installs
  • Desktop app installs
  • Mobile app applications submitted
  • Website applications submitted
  • Offline applications submitted
  • Mobile app applications submitted conversion value
  • Website applications submitted conversion value
  • Offline applications submitted conversion value
  • Mobile app appointments scheduled
  • Website appointments scheduled
  • Offline appointments scheduled
  • Mobile app appointments scheduled conversion value
  • Website appointments scheduled conversion value
  • Offline appointments scheduled conversion value
  • Mobile app checkouts initiated
  • Website checkouts initiated
  • Offline checkouts initiated
  • Mobile app checkouts initiated conversion value
  • Website checkouts initiated conversion value
  • Offline checkouts initiated conversion value
  • Unique mobile app checkouts initiated
  • Mobile app contacts
  • Website contacts
  • Offline contacts
  • Mobile app contact conversion value
  • Website contact conversion value
  • Offline contact conversion value
  • Mobile app content views
  • Website content views
  • Offline content views
  • Meta view content
  • Mobile app content views conversion value
  • Website content views conversion value
  • Offline content views conversion value
  • Unique mobile app content views
  • Mobile app credits spent
  • Desktop app credit spends
  • Mobile app credits spent conversion value
  • Desktop credit spends conversion value
  • Unique mobile app credits spent
  • Cost per unique mobile app credit spent
  • Mobile app custom events
  • Meta donation ROAS
  • Mobile app donations
  • Website donations
  • Offline donations
  • Mobile app donation conversion value
  • Website donation conversion value
  • Offline donation conversion value
  • Website leads
  • Offline leads
  • Meta leads
  • Website leads conversion value
  • Offline leads conversion value
  • Meta leads conversion value
  • Mobile app levels achieved
  • Mobile app levels achieved conversion value
  • Unique mobile app levels achieved
  • Mobile app location searches
  • Website location searches
  • Offline location searches
  • Mobile app location searches conversion value
  • Website location searches conversion value
  • Offline location searches conversion value
  • Mobile app products customised
  • Website products customised
  • Offline products customised
  • Mobile app products customised conversion value
  • Website products customised conversion value
  • Offline products customised conversion value
  • Website purchase ROAS (return on advertising spend)
  • Mobile app purchase ROAS (return on advertising spend)
  • Mobile app purchases
  • Website purchases
  • Offline purchases
  • Meta purchases
  • Mobile app purchases conversion value
  • Website purchases conversion value
  • Offline purchases conversion value
  • Meta purchase conversion value
  • Unique mobile app purchases
  • Mobile app ratings submitted
  • Mobile app ratings submitted conversion value
  • Unique mobile app ratings submitted
  • Mobile app registrations completed
  • Website registrations completed
  • Offline registrations completed
  • Mobile app registrations completed conversion value
  • Website registrations completed conversion value
  • Offline registrations completed conversion value
  • Unique mobile app registrations completed
  • Mobile app searches
  • Website searches
  • Offline searches
  • Mobile App Searches conversion value
  • Website searches conversion value
  • Offline searches conversion value
  • Unique mobile app searches
  • Mobile app subscriptions
  • Website subscriptions
  • Offline subscriptions
  • Mobile app subscriptions conversion value
  • Website subscriptions conversion value
  • Offline subscriptions conversion value
  • Mobile app trials started
  • Website trials started
  • Offline trials started
  • Mobile app trials started conversion value
  • Website trials started conversion value
  • Offline trials started conversion value
  • Mobile app tutorials completed
  • Mobile app tutorials completed conversion value
  • Unique mobile app tutorials completed
  • Meta checkouts initiated
  • Meta donations
  • Meta donate conversion value


  • Levels achieved
  • Cost per level achieved
  • Levels achieved conversion value
  • Unique levels completed
  • Cost per unique level achieved
  • Location searches
  • Cost per location search
  • Location search conversion value
  • Meta workflow completions
  • Cost per Meta workflow completion
  • Meta workflow completion conversion value
  • Mobile app day 2 retention
  • Cost per mobile app day 2 retention
  • Unique mobile app day 2 retention
  • Cost per unique mobile app day 2 retention
  • Mobile app day 7 retention
  • Cost per mobile app day 7 retention
  • Unique mobile app day 7 retention
  • Cost per unique mobile app day 7 retention
  • Orders created
  • Orders dispatched
  • Other offline conversions
  • Cost per other offline conversion
  • Other offline conversion value


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